
With God, "What's done is done" might not really be done...

All through the Bible we see amazing stories of how someone blew it and then God showed up with a miracle and saw them through it. Who you are is not dependent on what you do! Who you are is a result of to whom you belong to! You've been created by a King to do amazing things! You do your part and God does His...
I think there is a lot to be said about God's willingness to reward our faithful efforts. Despite mistakes, mess ups, and days we just plain miss it. When He knows we are truly trying to follow His path, He is quick to fix it. So every goal you have ever set for your health and fitness or every other aspect of your life--it's not too late. It's not forsaken, it's not beyond you or behind you. He is still with you and if you keep going--so will He! You have been forged from the Rock. You MIGHT as well be granite because you are ROCK SOLID !

God is Intentional about your Redemption! I think that's pretty incredible. ~Nicole

"The Teacher has come and is calling for you." JOHN 11:28