Mantle of Liberty
The instruction of the Almighty in my life has a peculiar obedience. When I struggle in it, when worship and prayers and quietness before Him yet elude that breakthrough power I seek, I frequently reignite my spark by sharpening my iron against those heroes of old who did difficult things for the Lord. I was just telling my husband the other day we were due to re-watch the movie “Amazing Grace”. One of a few movies that stir our zeal.
I was actually sensing God lean in my heart to write about this today, but I wasn’t sure. It’s very raw and very personal. But one of my devotions this morning was on this very thing. So take a few moments to read on. Step into my heart...it’s not mine anyway. It’s the Lords, so I as ever continue to do as He declares for my life. I obey.
“William Wilberforce is one of my heroes. He lived in the early 1800s in England. He was born into wealth but came to Christ at 28 after John Newton, a converted former slave trader played a big role in his life.
He was going to become a minister until Newton called him aside and said, “No, you are called to politics and that is where you must stay.” Like many believers who find Christ, we think being sold out for God means becoming a pastor.
Newton understand Wilberforce would be more valuable to the Kingdom of God as a politician than a minister. He was right. Wilberforce achieved 69 world-changing initiatives, not the least of which was the abolishment of slavery after 30 years of work.
But his real ability was working with other influencers. He had the ability to network and mobilize other believers for social action. That is what we need today, especially in Washington.”
(Os Hillman)
When my husband was courting me (because, yes, we courted. I can honestly say we didn’t date. Peculiar in this day and age in and of itself, but I digress)...one of the things I remember him sharing with me, as though he were disclosing important information I needed to know before I got into this relationship any deeper. He told me that though he loved coaching, the ultimate call of God for his life was politics.
A life in that arena has NEVER appealed to me, but I said ok, because I knew that God has hand picked and hand designed my marriage. I surrendered my will for a spouse, ended a relationship I didn’t want to, for God’s Love, and swore I’d never look back. So how could I refute God’s design for my future husbands life?
Over the years there have been those who “court” politicians who have tried to get John to run for office or come under their grooming. Many have suggested that John run for office, suggesting that his valor was needed. But God is quite particular about the purity of the call on His kids and also the timing of a specific calling. So we have patiently known, but waited.
This past year has brought many changes for us. God radically closed some doors we had no idea He would close. It caused us to lean even more deeply into the faith obedience He has groomed us in.
But now, some new and beautiful doors have opened to replace the old ones and we see even more clearly what God is up to.
Washington has never needed more than now voices of truth and unwaivering faith to rise up and protect our constitution and those it protects. We feel the time draw close to step into all God has prepared my husband for. Some changes coming and I’m not sure how it will play out. But it looks like not only will my kids be in school, but my husband will be, too. I’m excited for him. Law School will give him the intellectual challenge his mind needs.
Should the Lord lay it on your heart, we covet your prayers. Divine Assignments are not easily thwarted by the Enemy, but of course, he always tries.
Amazing Grace...raise up men and women of deep conviction, purity and faith. We must approach and overcome the daunting task of resurrecting this nation. We have received our tangible blessing as a country, now it’s time to receive our full spiritual inheritance.
God Bless America...I love her still.
For the love of the people...
For the love of God...
She will be greater still.
Her true best is yet to come.
“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine...” Exodus 19:5