spiritual fitness



I have been off of social media the last three days.

I took three days to feast my eyes on the heavens and a little extra down time in the mornings to examine the inside of my eye lids. It was amazing. I absolutely loved the break and to be honest—didn’t really want to get on any of my pages today. I’ve continued to blog, but avoided Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. If you should desire to follow me on any of these pages my user name is nikkimcbfit. I also have a business page on Facebook for all things health related called Advo/Next Level Sports Performance. I’d love to have you there!

I write exhortations for the soul and my Instagram page is almost entirely fitness/nutrition related.

But what a gift to open my Facebook page and see a few of my friends/clients who testify to some extraordinary things God is doing for them in the midst of enormous adversity.

Life is what you make of it. I love to write and encourage and know that I have a God given gift to edify and impart Peace to the human soul.
Yesterday I received a message about this—thank you.♥️

Spiritual fitness always requires a time of fasting and refreshing. I enjoyed my vacation, but now I am back! And I’m more excited than ever. Some of the down time I spent with my web designer creating my website. God is going to bless His promise to me and I’m going to get paid for my blogs.

God impart to you an added measure of value today. Begin this morning knowing you are loved. You can do all things because God cares about you and makes the crooked places straight. He is like a well spring of goodness watering your life. Everything you have concern of will turn out just right. Now tuck that into your pocket and enjoy the ride. The best things in life carry the weight of Heaven inside.
Let my words be like protein binding together every cell of who you are.
You are Strong.
