This Is Where You Live…
Prayer is like home.
Prayer is like a comfy couch and a cozy throw blanket you can wrap up in.
Prayer is like special time set aside for you and your best friend.
Prayer is like a warmly drawn bath where you can lean back and relax between the arms of your Beloved.
Prayer is like a garment well woven of the finest materials.
Prayer never goes out of style.
Prayer never grows cold (from heavens perspective).
Prayer never gets old.
Quite the contrary, it rejuvenates and restores.
It is a perpetual Fountain and those who drink from it retain their youth and Splendor.
I recently visited the Western Wall in Jerusalem. Every possible crack in the stacked stone wall was filled with tiny folded papers that contained the prayers of the Hopeful scratched with ink upon them.
God’s Love, God’s Heart is like this Wall in so many ways.
It stands tall as a shield of defense against all that would try to harm you. In His heart chambers can be found in every crevice— the prayers of the Saints. They are sealed and kept for their time of redemption.
There is only one way that God’s heart is different from this stone Wall in that His Love by very nature can’t and won’t “stone wall” you. He’s just not wired like that. He loves 100 percent and gives of His heart 100 percent all of the time. Our circumstance may at times display lack. Our relationships at time do the same. But not the heart and Love of God. It is Constant and always you know where to find Him—seated on His Throne.
“God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne” Psalm 47:8 (BSV)
So take hope.
Gather it in your heart and offer it up accompanied by praise for the day you’ve been given. He already knows all you are in need of. But I declare-- there is a sweet mist in His Presence.
You are equipped to cope and all of Heaven is signing a declaration of Love and Adoration over you.
This is your cue—
Sing praises, Beloved.
Hand in glove.
His Love is an eternal ring that is circled about you (just like the walls of Jerusalem surround the Temple).
Do not forget to pray today.
Know that I am praying for all who might read this. I am interceding for the break through anointing upon me to pierce the veil. For as I walk through—I bring a Mighty Harvest of people with me, too. I pray that includes you.
Prayer yields Hope.
“It is good for me to draw near to God.”
Psalm 73:28