You Are Enough
Change on big scales will always start with something small….yourself.
Though you are created, built, wired to be BIG and GREAT, on the scale of eternity we are but small. Most feel too small for their choices to make a difference or lasting impact. But this is not true. It all starts with what you do on the inside of who you are. It starts in the mirror.
I don't consider myself a great writer. I don't have mastery knowledge of the English language or the literary works of humanity. I haven't published a New York Times Best Seller (yet😏).
Let me tell you what I do have...
When I was young I could write, but I didn't know I could write. The pen seemed to flow readily for me and I received attention from one college professor and peers in that one class where we had to write and review each other's writing. I guess that's all it took to encourage me. I didn't take that class until the spring quarter of my senior year of college. Talk about the 11th hour! Prior to that I was aware that anytime I could write and assignment/paper or could write the answers on the test (versus scantron multiple choice) I did well. This is about as much confidence as I had in this regard. I was still fairly oblivious that I could write. Why? I didn't know it came easily to me, I had nothing to compare to.
I had no self confidence. I struggled with self confidence my entire life. I was quiet, meek and unsure. I was afraid to try because I felt I did everything wrong or not well enough. I feared failure. I also feared attention, of any kind, positive or negative.
Until God stepped in and changed all of that.
I still don't have a lot of confidence in Nicole...but I do have tremendous confidence in God and how He feels about me. God Confidence made the difference-it created His strength and boldness inside of me.
I know that greater than any combination of words to flow from my heart is His Heavenly Kiss on the tip of the ink as I scratch and make a mark. He takes what I write and uses it to prick the hearts of men/women.
Self confidence relies on “self”, but God confidence is all confidence in God and the belief that if you do what He asks you to do and go where He asks you to go and say what He asks you to say, He is there with you making his way manifest. God confidence.
What is it that you must do? What edifies you heart and soul and flows from within and makes you feel exuberant and energized like a kid? Whatever God has called you to do, you can do it because God does it with you. All you must do is believe how He feels and thinks about you and then take the steps to follow through. Engage yourself to your own destiny! Great is His Faithfulness. ~Nicole
"My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer."
Psalm 45:1