You Won't Go Under
You Won't Go Under
Yesterday was yet another full and hectic day-but deep down I know wouldn't have it any other way. I have a large family, clients who want training and a car that takes me wherever I want to go. I am indeed blessed. The afternoon was spent poolside at the school watching my son play in a water polo match. Those boys swim back and forth and track that yellow ball as they attempt to shoot and score. Sometimes they get pulled at to keep them from advancing and sometimes they egg beater their kick under water and rise higher-so high you can see their waste above water-and they hit the mark and advance the entire team toward victory.
Sometimes life can make you feel like you might drown. The demands on our schedules, the need to be in multiple places at one time; maybe it's a health restriction or financial decision that has to be made and you're feeling kind of frayed. There is a God in Heaven who won't let you go under. His roar is loud like thunder and his touch gentle and true. He will uplift you from under and you will rise to the demand with a smile at his wonderful plans just like those boys rise high when they are about to shoot. God is using the demands and pressures of life to make you shine bright and give you the best heart conditioning for this thing we do--Life! He's got you. So take aim, find your mark, and let Him be exalted. -Nicole
"I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread." Psalm 37:25