Keep Your Chin Up!

People don’t usually judge you by what’s going on in your heart...
They judge based on what’s going on in theirs.

There are two types of people in this world. There are those who go through a difficult experience, time or season and they bleed it out on others. Their bleeding may be crying to everyone about it obsessively, their bleeding may be a chronic bad mood or attitude or possibly they have difficulty functioning in the dailies of life. (These are all just merely observations, not judgments.)

But then there are those who go through difficulty and they maintain their joy. They continue to focus on others, keeping their chin up, their shoulders back and keeping their trials to themselves.

Between the two methods of coping the later is obviously the better. If we can’t change it, we just have to endure it. And if we endure it, not everyone needs to know about it outside those closest to us or those who have power to help us. However, the difficulty in the later is that others begin to make judgements based on choices without knowing anything about what they are dealing with. That’s just life!

So keep your chin up!
Not everybody needs to know everything about you.
I personally am a huge fan of privacy.
Quiet your mouth when you want to complain. Complaining never helped anything.
Slow your speech when you are feeling quick to judge or mumble on about something or someone.
Hold your breath, guard your steps. If you do you will probably save yourself from something you’d later regret.

There is a God in Heaven who handles everything and everyone with care. He will meet you wherever you want to meet him and whenever. He is always available. He always cares. He hears your every prayer.

Anyone can pray.
It's not the height, width or breadth of the prayer that matters...
it's the depth of God's love.

Your prayer matters.

Miracles grow as our hearts overflow with thankfulness, gratefulness and Love.


"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful." Col. 3:15