Treasure Hunter
You are doing a lot of good.
You may not always be aware of how your life is positively impacting others, but believe that it is...
and one day, God will bless you to see the fruit. Keep loving. Keep believing and keep receiving all God has for you. He's got you! So continue on dreaming big. In fact, I challenge you to—
Dream bigger…
Only the best is yet to come.
And never forget, the battle is already won and the promise is done.
Persist in what sets your soul on fire. There is an inferno--
Harness it and combust, ignite, strike the fire within!
Passion will drive your Purpose, every single time.
"The generous will prosper;
those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25
God opens doors that no man can shut and sometimes the doors he opens leave you startled and surprised—but you know by the feeling in your heart, mind and soul that within it you will thrive...so you continue in to the other side. That’s where immeasurable Joy is found. You can have joy now while in process. There is always power and prosperity in process. It may not be monetary prosperity, but there is gems and riches and gold filled opportunity and blessing. Possess wise eyes that can see it and continue to seek it out. Just as wise old Solomon said, it is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the honor of kings to seek it out. God loves a treasure hunter.
In the process—
God brings Blessings Magnified.
Never forget...
ANYTHING could happen...
That's what makes life so exciting.
“I will give you the treasures of darkness and the hoards in secret places, that you may know that it is I, the LORD, the God of Israel, who call you by your name.”
Isaiah 45:3 ESV