Every human has a spirit that dwells in the soulish region of our body. The soul is the heart of who you are. Every person longs to fill it. Each man or woman, boy or girl, may fill it differently. God gives gifts to all mankind, whether it's acknowledged or not.
You have a priestly anointing and a prophetic anointing. Most dwell in the priestly anointing. For example, you go to church, you read the Word, you pray and practice your faith. Priestly anointing. But then there is the prophetic anointing! Most neglect this anointing because they don't understand it. Because they don't understand it, they reject it. People always reject what they fear.
The prophetic anointing surrenders the heart to reach beyond circumstance, physical facts and acts according to what the future holds. Your prophetic anointing helps shape your future. You speak what you want to see and take actions steps in belief that it will happen. You trust God with timing and circumstances, but you do not shrink back or waiver in your belief. You stay plugged into it. God is the Power Source that fuels the ambition and changes the conditions to create the opportunity for it all to fall into the right place no matter how tight the space. This kind of atmosphere is where Creative Miracles begin to exist...Signs and Wonders appear...and people from miles around begin to draw near.
God loves the prophetic because that's where the "magic" is.
"Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives--especially the ability to prophesy." 1 Cor. 14:1
Does it all sound a bit odd to you? Really? Just look at the life of Noah. God spoke it. He believed it. It conceived something great in his heart and soul. He began to do what was required to make the dream a reality. I imagine he was asked thousands of times what he was doing. What did he say? Every time he spoke of it he was casting vision for the people. No one saw his vision or received it...until the rain came.
There are countless examples of modern day people who lived a life full of success that was birthed out of deep duress. They believed in the dream and pursued it with their everything. They told others what they saw for their future, where they were going...they knew with all their heart it was a future worth knowing.
Your future is inside of you. It is up to you to hone your focus. Be decided. Get Intentional. Purpose your choices. Take action steps...and have a nearly blind ambition to achieve what you were placed on this planet to do. YOU are a Planet Shaker and the Kingdom of Heaven just may be counting on you. You've got tremendous Legacy within you. You are Prophetic! ~Nicole
"By faith Noah, having been divinely instructed concerning the things not yet seen, having been moved with fear, prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is according to faith."
Hebrews 11:7