New Covers
There is a sweet victory that accompanies friendship with a Mighty Savior, the king of Kings. He has a way of clearing the smoke or dust cloud the Enemy has made and He settles in. He settles in deep and you can feel the weight of His Presence.
I happen to be one who loves covers. You know, like on your bed or a throw blanket? I like, even in summer, to be able to feel the weight of the blankets on me. I like it a little bit heavy. If
Have you ever been truly sorrowful and sorry over something? Have you ever watched God take the very thing that brought you sorrow and use it to His benefit? So unique are the ways and will of God.
In the Old Testament, back to Genesis, there is the ancient story of Adam and Eve—the first recorded humans. They lived in a lush garden and had every luxury at their fingertips. There was only one exclusion from their access, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This tree has long