Glory Kissed
How does it feel to be unashamedly yourself?
Pure and true just you; every single day? Everything you do, everything you say glory kissed and heaven made.
This is the way it should be—
There’s something gorgeous and mysterious when we give in to the unbridled devotion of Heaven. There is a Creator who savors your company. Open up and receive…
Receiving is active. Receiving is good. But receiving can also be uncomfortable.
When I was in the fifth grade I had a reoccurring dream. It was powerful and rich and vivid. It was exquisite
Behold the Gold
I see pure gold in you.
You’ve been equipped through the Fire. Your life designed to inspire. You’ve been packaged for it.
You can take heat.
True champions invite the fire.
Not because we always like it, but we know something good, gold, comes from it.
The higher road is paved with gold. And when you’ve been called, you’ve been equipped. You don’t have to strive for it, it flows from the soul. Pure Gold.
Perhaps you’ve spent so much time taking care of others that you forgot to take care of yourself?
You are worth some