Rest & Digest
Rest & Digest
When we have too much norepinephrine in our system we are in “fight or flight” mode. This neurotransmitter inhibits digestion. Our gut needs to be at rest to digest.
In this time of extended stress and uncertainty another way you can boost your immune system is to actively focus on relaxation before eating.
Currently, with this quarantine and the corona virus (COVID-19), we are all a little bit in a state of perpetual flight or fight.
Try not to stress eat
Instead, take some
Seeds of Strength & Beauty
The purple cone flower is such a unique flower. It has a beauty that rends well to any garden. It has color that creates vibrancy. It has a pleasing aroma but it is also edible. The purple cone flower is the source of the herb echinacea which is used to strengthen the immune system. This little herb packed in a pretty flower can help your body fight colds, allergies, and works like a natural antihistamine. It’s fantastic!
So you can see the flower…
You can smell the flower…
And you can ingest the