Rest & Digest
Rest & Digest
When we have too much norepinephrine in our system we are in “fight or flight” mode. This neurotransmitter inhibits digestion. Our gut needs to be at rest to digest.
In this time of extended stress and uncertainty another way you can boost your immune system is to actively focus on relaxation before eating.
Currently, with this quarantine and the corona virus (COVID-19), we are all a little bit in a state of perpetual flight or fight.
Try not to stress eat
Instead, take some deep breathes before engaging in food. This action of purposeful breathing will help release a variety of neurotransmitters that create a calm and relaxed gut. Rest and digest. This is important. The more relaxed your GI is the more nutrition you will absorb from your food, the more your immune system will be strong and powerful.
Breath slowly.
Take some deep breathes.
Think of something pleasant.
Relax yourself.
Enjoy your meal.
Immune Strong we can beat this Coronavirus.
**Taking probiotics will also help gut biome.
Hope this is helpful! And most of all, remain positive. Your mind is powerful. Teach it to obey you! ~Nicole
(I have a strong background in nutrition and human physiology; BS in Human Development and practice as a Certified Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Coach)