Gardener of Heart
Gardener of Heart
When someone discovers and falls in love with God they are like a new garden. A seed has been sown that has sprouted something. But just like a garden, they must be showered with love. They must be fertilized with faith. They must be encouraged in their new found hope. Otherwise, the cares of the world may burn down and scorch their faith causing it to fade, wilt and die before it ever fully blooms.
Hearts are like gardens. The more TLC the greater the harvest. You are a
“Sow a thought, reap an act. Sow an act, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a destiny.”
All of life is like being a farmer. We sow, we water, we cultivate, we harvest. The reward is yours and the magnitude of it depending on the type of seed you sow, care you take, love you bring (which is just the right fertilizer) determines the harvest you reap.
Have faith.
Put your love on display—
People everywhere are bleeding on the inside and not saying anything.
People everywhere are empty within.
People all around us have
It’s the start to a brand new year and no doubt you’ve thought about what you might like to try and accomplish with it. Make your list, but don’t forget to allow the Lord to sift through it and move you in His timing and direction. He’s got some ambitious plans for you, too, and it will require focused attention to details when the demands of life and others begin to pull on you.
You can’t be everything to everyone, but you can be something to someone.
It only takes one to
Sweat Equity
I was raised my a Mother who payed enormous attention to the details. Today, I recognize the merit to be found in this. Sometimes it takes a long time to truly get to know a person…and at times it takes even longer to get best acquainted with ourself.
Let’s look now to Rebekah of the Bible and discover what happened for a young woman who was focused on the humble details of life…
“So it was, when the camels had finished drinking, that the man took a golden nose ring, weighing half