Sweat Equity
I was raised my a Mother who payed enormous attention to the details. Today, I recognize the merit to be found in this. Sometimes it takes a long time to truly get to know a person...and at times it takes even longer to get best acquainted with ourself.
Let's look now to Rebekah of the Bible and discover what happened for a young woman who was focused on the humble details of life...
"So it was, when the camels had finished drinking, that the man took a golden nose ring, weighing half a shekel, and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels of gold, and said, 'Who's daughter are you?'
Genesis 24:22
(Read Genesis chapter 24 for background)
Rebekah went to the well that day to fetch water for her family. She knew why she was sent and she knew where to go and her purpose for going. But on the long dusty road she met a man who changed her life and secured her destiny forever. There was a deeper, grander purpose for Rebekah's life that she had not discovered prior to that day. That day, her life changed and would never be the same.
When God reveals His good purpose for your life it edifies heart and soul. It gives one a new vigor and zeal for even the most mundane tasks. It is at this point you know you are working for something bigger than yourself and is more precious than the tiny details of the day. It is those small purposes and tasks, done well, each and every day that lend to greater break through in the grand calling of your life. Rebekah had greatness inside that was seen by the Man and maybe unknown to herself when promotion came to her hand.
What does God see when He examines your life? Are you serving as He has called you to serve? Are you daring to venture into the wilderness for a cup of water? If so, are you willing to risk failure and discomfort to obtain it? Are you willing to sweat and labor for it?
Do the little things with great zeal and purpose and watch God do for you as He did for Rebekah. You've got Greatness in you yet. -Nicole