Not Madness…Magnificence!
I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus. The cares of life were slamming me hard and I felt a bit like I was drowning. My usual resilience was worn. So I spent a lot of time doing nothing except going to work then back home. I would spend countless hours alone reading my favorite ancient book and listening to music that fills my soul and reminded heaven He was still adored. I was seen out this most recent Friday night and the number one thing said
Resistance To Go The Distance
Regular, physical activities, such as resistance training have cardiovascular and neuromuscular benefits. You can change your body fat, body weight and overall body composition…sculpting your body to the shape you desire. However, there are some benefits to weight training that may often be overlooked.
Resistance training has a mental component. One must push through pain to achieve the desired goal (a finished rep, circuit, workout). The more you workout, the better you become at dealing with discomfort and becoming somewhat “comfortable with the uncomfortable”. I believe people who practice the discipline
Bring Me An Apple
The apple of the eye is the absolute dead center of the pupil. Wherever the apple rests, it is completely focused and attentive. I have deep admiration for people who can look others dead in the eye when they speak, fully focused, not distracted, not gazing over your shoulder, not shifting their eyes…focused. It’s like a laser point of intention fixed on a mark. You know you have that persons full attention and they are both powerful and passionate about what they are trying to communicate.
You are the Apple of
Hello there.
What an excellent day.
I hear it was Heaven made.
But what exactly does that mean to you?
For me…this is what it means. A Heaven made day means something different to everyone, but here’s a glimpse into my heart and what stirs me deeply.
I love the free expression my heart yields in His Presence. It is frequently found in my pen, but when I speak it is found there as well.
He brings out the best in me.
What brings out the best in you?
I am fully aware that I am