Treasure Hunter
You are doing a lot of good.
You may not always be aware of how your life is positively impacting others, but believe that it is…
and one day, God will bless you to see the fruit. Keep loving. Keep believing and keep receiving all God has for you. He’s got you! So continue on dreaming big. In fact, I challenge you to—
Dream bigger…
Only the best is yet to come.
And never forget, the battle is already won and the promise is done.
Persist in what sets your soul on fire. There
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.“ Hebrews 11:1
A deep love for God is received by His Grace, but as we show our love back to Him we follow Him where ever He leads. If it be through treacherous terrains, sleet, storms, tornadoes, or a scorching dessert sun…this is the road less travelled that leads to His Treasures of Heart. It doesn’t matter how it “looks”, we merely “Go”.
Moses, with his back against the Red Sea was on the road
God Still Speaks
God Still Speaks
All of Creation sings a love song to God. It can be seen in the green of a leave, the gentle bend of the willow tree and every bird in the air that has its own song to sing.
God’s Voice still speaks. The problem for most in hearing His Voice is difficult–there too much background noise in the way. Spiritual background noise may include negative thinking, discouraging thoughts, depressed thoughts, hopelessness, shame, guilt or anger/bitterness. This type of thinking clouds the heart and soul and makes it difficult