From Sigh to Song
When I fear sudden disaster—
I will raise a hallelujah.
When the world seems to be crashing in against me, I will remind myself that though a thousand may fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand no harm will befall me. I am secure. (Psalm 91)
I will raise a hallelujah.
When it appears my enemy will trample me I am reminded I have been set apart for something greater and
I will raise a hallelujah.
When the sting of life leaves us
Face The Music🎶
Fiery trials always pre-empt promotion…
“Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the province of Babylon.” Daniel 3:30
In the Book of Daniel we gain powerful insight from four men who lived right. These men were on God’s Path, understood to a degree His plan…at-least enough to remain on the Path moving toward God’s plan.
As we enter the scene let me paint the landscape—
Daniel was set apart having already been thrown into the lions den only to be found the next morning to have made friends with furry felines with
Sharp As Sheers
Have you ever tried to slice something with a dull knife?
Like many people, I have one of those wood blocks that holds all my sharp knives and some kitchen sheers that I use only on food. Yesterday I was preparing myself some raw chicken to be grilled on my skillet and as I was using the sheers to cut the meat I noticed how easy it was. I had recently sharpened the scissors— and knives as well. Boy, what a difference it made. My work was easier and required
You are the Lord Almighty and within you I find extreme pleasure.
You are my Comfort and my Delight.
You surround my heart with Gladness and your Goodness is my Shelter and Strength.
There is none other like you.
You have been good to me.
You have shown me great Kindness.
You have kept my soul content in the Secret Place.
You offer tremendous soul strength and in you I take delight.
You are pure Gold…
Thank you for this Beautiful gift of Life.
In you I have my Treasure.
In you my heart flows in ever increasing measure.
You are my
God Still Speaks
God Still Speaks
All of Creation sings a love song to God. It can be seen in the green of a leave, the gentle bend of the willow tree and every bird in the air that has its own song to sing.
God’s Voice still speaks. The problem for most in hearing His Voice is difficult–there too much background noise in the way. Spiritual background noise may include negative thinking, discouraging thoughts, depressed thoughts, hopelessness, shame, guilt or anger/bitterness. This type of thinking clouds the heart and soul and makes it difficult