Strength By Design

As women, we juggle a lot. We are the balance to our home and family. If something is out of balance, it is our position to use our wisdom and strength and kindness to redirect, encourage and set the coarse for our families. The garment of the Proverbs 31 woman is costly. It is adorned in virtue, humility, hard work, and it is heavy for it requires complete sacrifice of self.

Several years ago I had a woman apologize for asking me, but proceeded to ask me why I had so many children. She told me I had great kids, BUT when you have a large family you have to serve more...

you can't be selfish.

I was a bit surprised by what she said, but what she said was true. When you have a large family it is a deliberate, delicate and purposeful balance of caring for children and making sure they have quality time with you and also putting the husband first and meeting his needs physically, emotionally, intellectually and socially. How much more the demands in single mothers! What this woman saw as a burden I saw as a great blessing.

You women carry a lot! So, when your feeling frazzled by all the needs placed upon you remember...God trusts you! That's right...He trusts you.

"Strength and honor are her clothing; she shall rejoice in time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness." Proverbs 31:25-26img_4833