Blessed Assurance…
Do you ever read my posts and wonder why I am so hinged on God? I haven't always been so...I've always believed in Him and felt his presence to a degree no matter what my life endured, but something happened in my life and I experienced Him so fully that I am no longer the same.
I don't care who you are, how you live, what you've done or are currently doing. There is no shame in His Grace. Do you want to feel love like never before the kind of Love that makes your heart want to explode? Do you want rest in your mind, body and soul? Do you crave peace and freedom from anxiety or fear? Then listen and I pray you here.
Offer God a sacrifice of praise.
What does that mean? It is different for everyone. Simply talk to God like you would another person. Don't feel dumb or weird. Step out... Tell him what you want. Tell him you want to know He is real, you are willing to believe and receive. Ask Him into your life like inviting a guest to your house. All the cares of life may be like barriers keeping you from Him. So it may help to begin by offering His praise. If you like to sing or play instruments, play to Him. He sees your heart it doesn't matter what the music is. If you paint, paint something for him. Dance for him. For me, writing and encouraging is always the most powerful key to enter into God's presence. It will be personal-He is a very personal God.
This post may be just for you. God leaned on my pen hard this a.m. to write this very thought. He cares for you that much. ~Nicole
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you..." James 4:8