A View from Above
Have you ever done any reading about eagles? Magnificent creatures. I once had a New Age person who believed in reincarnation ask me what I wanted to come back as in my next life. I was a little taken back by this question considering I do not believe in reincarnation. Instead of debating and arguing all my reasons why reincarnation was not from God, I answered the question. After all, I had been sharing the love of Jesus with this person and I am pretty sure they were not ready to hear my theological rhetoric. However, all people at all times are ready to be loved, accepted and heard. So...I answered, "an eagle".
Eagles are gorgeous! I love how striking their features. The prominence of the eagles white feathers upon their head. The eagle soars high in the sky, up to 10,000 feet and their eye sight keen. Eagles can live to be 35 years of age, on average. They have a stoicism about them that I always find appealing. Did you know that when an eagle is ill he will fly himself to the highest rock he can find and will sun himself? It is true, that the eagle will lye upon a rock in the open sunlight and sunbath until the infection or illness has been drawn out by the Glorious Rays. What a powerful example of what God can do for us when we draw close to Him. He will draw out all of our impurities. Unfortunately, do not expect a party up on that rock, it is a lonely place for few other birds dare to fly and perch as high as the eagle.
I received a profound blessing. It was a moment in time that was to be captured in my heart and mind for my entire life. The finger tip of God was fully upon it and in it and I knew, in this moment, I had received a rare opportunity to witness something that maybe only an accomplished and patient bird watcher could capture. It was very early in my marriage to John. We were visiting his family, who reside in Connecticut. There are so many beautiful mountains in New England. So different is the landscape from that of California. John and I had decided to go for a hike on a local mountain. We packed water and snacks and took along one of our nieces. The trail that we hiked was literally on the side of a mountain. A thin path carved along the crevice of dirt and rock surrounded by wooded terrain. Our visual range was mountain to the left, vast valley to the right. It was a clear and bright Autumn day. It was gorgeous. As we hiked along we heard a rustle in the brush on the side of the mountain just at our feet. We could barely turn our heads in the direction of the sound of the brush when we saw something that took my breath away. We were right above, maybe 5 to 10 feet, from an eagle’s nest. The nest was not visible to the eye, but tucked in the trees. What emerged from the trees was a very large and grand bird. Her wing span must have measured at least 7 feet wide as she spread them and glided away from her home, cascading herself over the valley. Regal. Beautiful. In fact, she was exquisite. She must have been around four or five years old, as this is when an eagle reaches full maturity. So, there I was, standing in awe as I look out OVER THE TOP of an eagle watching her soar. I have seen eagles gliding in the sky before, but never had I ever, live and in person, been directly above such a large and grand bird and seen the view of the top of her wings and back. This was a true honor and gift I believed. I drank in the moment, for I knew I would never get another one like it.
I love that I got to have this experience. I didn't just walk away and say, "Wow, that was cool." My thoughts ran deeper to the Sovereignty of God and how he designed that moment for me. I believe God cares about every detail and experience of our life. I never have been one to think that God is too busy to bother with the details of my little life. I have always been aware that not only does he have time for me he is quite smitten with me as well. Just as an engineer takes pride in his structure. Just as an architect takes pleasure in his design. An artist, who drinks in and savors the fruit of his or her labor. So it is with my God. He is my Creator and takes pleasure in all that he has created. It says so right in His book.
"The LORD is faithful to all of His promises and looks lovingly over all He has created." Psalm 145:13
Knowing that I had this belief that God has His hand in everything whether I chose to recognize it or not, how could I take for granted such a gift and not take advantage of the opportunity to make declaration over my own life? That is what I did...I made declaration over my life and prayed to God for it to be as I said. I prayed and thanked God immediately, expressing my gratitude for what I had just witnessed. What I did next, I challenge you to do in your own life. I asked God that this would be a symbolic declaration and a sign in my life of things to come. I didn't have any ideas what things, but wanted His plans and my potential to equal such heights. I prayed that I would not only soar on the heights like an eagle, but that I would climb so high that I would soar above the eagles. See, the bible says this,
"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
Thank the Lord for the bountiful blessings and opportunities he has granted. They are there, even when you are in a hard place, there are glimpses of God promises and His goodness to you all around. We have to stop and notice before they can be seen. In this week of Thanksgiving, dare yourself to believe and dream again. If your hopes are shattered and dreams unfulfilled, worry not, He has a plan and sees every hill, every valley, every wooded glen and shadowy landscape. He is with you and sometimes the most precious blessings are experienced while you are climbing that hill. I believe in you and can see a God who believes in you, too. Soar higher than the eagles with me.
I frequently have people ask me to pray for them because, as they put it, "God hears me." While it is always my delight to pray for people, and indeed God does hear me and He answers me as well. But guess what, he hears you also! He hears everything. We need only be still and climb toward Him so we can grow in our understanding and ability to hear Him back. When I prayed this prayer those many years ago, I had no idea what it meant to "make declaration" over myself. I just knew I wanted good things in my life and I believed in prayer so I asked. I wasn't versed in "Christianity" or "Purpose". I didn't even know my purpose yet at that point in my life. I did, however, know God loved me. He loves you, too, so very much. Don't be afraid to ask.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all...I love Thanksgiving, it is a special time of the year. Of course, as always, you know how much I genuinely care for and love you, God's Masterpiece.