Never Had a Better Friend
The Lord has striped me in many ways.
Yet, He preserves each and every one of my days.
He took away so much that mattered to me
and in the process grafted me more tightly into His Tree.
He drew me near and showered me with blessings from above.
He gave me increase in my capacity to Love.
He showed me His devotion and care
Yet I know He will not only stop there.
He took me as a seed and planted me in the Earth.
He provided the water of Salvation in Jesus
giving me second birth.
He rose from the grave and captured my soul.
So who am I to complain or be afraid of any foe?
He crowned me with splendor and His Grace crowns my head.
He asked me to walk this earth in an effort to revive the dead.
So many are abandoned and left without Hope.
Without Jesus they are left with no strength to cope.
They turn to drugs, violence, suicide and sin
Never gaining the purity of heart that can free them from within.
Who am I to complain when troubles cross my path?
For I have access to the very Throne of the One giving me life that will last.
Blessed Jesus, my Savior, Companion, my Friend
Who could turn from you, ignoring the battle within?
There is a day to day struggle that occurs
With in the hearts of all men.
Without Jesus, we are doomed to failure
in a battle that has no end.
Seek Jesus, the Savior, a Friend to all man.
Only He can take a shattered life, put it back together
And make it whole once again.
Seek, Jesus, the Savior, who was crucified and rose again.
He knows of your suffering, your loneliness and can take it from you, putting your misery to end.
Seek Jesus! Seek Jesus! I have never known another to be such a great Friend.
I wrote this poem as a love song to my Lord in April of 2004. I came across it today and couldn’t help but feel that there are lonely and hurting hearts out there right now who are in need of a friend. I want to do my best to be the friend to others that I have experienced God to be to me. Though I can comfort, encourage and pour hope over you like a moisturizing oil of Joy…There truly is no other like HIM. His love for you is unfailing. You can do nothing to make that stop. He is with you. He is for you. If you only knew how much He adores you. Blessings be yours this day and forever more. ~Nicole