But God
Night before last I had a dream.
In the dream I was standing outdoors near a vehicle of some sort and outside a house that looked like a shack. It was raining hard. The waters were rising all about, up to my knees in water. Someone had been trying to help me, but quit. So I stood there, looked up to heaven, and said, “This is it?”
Not a fabulous dream. So when I woke I began to pray about what it meant. Then I wrote this...
—But God.
My God delights in the impossible.
He loves to really step up and show out, declaring to his faithful, “This is what I’m talking about!” He gets a real kick out of coming to the rescue, and he does it with absolute style. Makes me smile.
Here are a few Biblical examples to help give you a clue...
Noah. He was in a scenario much like my dream. The waters rising all about—But God.
“Then God remembered Noah...” (Genesis 8)
Then there is Moses.
He leads what seems to be an army of people into a promise only to be cornered by defeat. The Pharoah’s men chasing him (Exodus 14)
—But God.
“Preserve me, O God, for in you I put my trust. O my soul, you have said to the Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from you.”
(Psalm 16:1-2)
His Beauty truly abounds —
Circumstances in your life may look one way, but God sees from an entirely different angle. I think of Elijah next.
The great prophet of old. He cried to God—hiding from the Queen to spare his life the Lord reminded him that he was not the only one left who hadn’t bowed to idols (hadn’t compromised). 7,000 strong were those who withstood the test. God sent an angel to strengthen him with nourishment.(1 Kings 19)
—But God.
Does life have you feeling cornered? Do you have situations, complications or just a few questions that will seem to forever go unsolved or unanswered? See—I think I had this dream for you. God was giving my pen ammunition to build a storehouse of encouragement and nourishment for you so you can rise up and go get the victory!
God may not be found in the wind. He may go without notice in the quake and shake of the earthquake....
The fire of your trials may fail to reveal him still.
--Remain still.
For in the gentle breeze his voice just may arise and kiss your heart, mind, soul...reminding you that you are adored and the answer is in him still. Settle your soul. Rest your mind. Receive his love. Hand in glove he will rescue you. And I guarantee it will look pretty valiant and brilliant. He’s got you.