His Eyes See You Brilliantly
Nothing surprises God. He looks at every single bit of creation and His Created...you...through the eyes of what He designed and made you to do.
All God needs if for us to agree to trust Him and then we begin to flourish and walk into every ounce of possibility He has declared faithfully.
Your life an extraordinary gift.
Living life to the fullest is a compilation of foundational decisions on life philosophy --what you believe and stand for--and then managing those decisions every day. Each day knowing you are better made than the day before. Every day gaining clearer and keener focus, laser sharp, on what you were made for. When you find your niche you find momentum. You begin to duplicate the vision and then all out massive explosive growth takes over. Pure Gold.
Your value is like that of Pure Gold, but even more because your Heavenly Father has your heart to hold. Crimson Red, he bled because he couldn't wait for this day to see you, greet you and cheer you on.
Your life is a Beautiful Assignment from Heaven. Carry on...know that Heaven walks beside you every single day. Christ wore the welcome mat like a man of chivalry covering the mud, mire and gunk of our sins so we could walk right over it without even a stitch of our hem staining our garments. Praise God today. You are Gloriously made!