Clean Eating: An Act of Worship

Clean Eating:  An Act of Worship?

In the past I have posted about my clean eating journey and how it has been an extremely relevant key in my growth to deeper regions of intimacy with God.

In the mid 2000's somewhere God began speaking to my heart about going to the Next Level with my nutrition. I'd been fascinated with nutrition since the age of 13. I ate better than most, but not anything like I eat now. God prophesied to my heart what my health journey would look like. He gave me a strategy for eliminating certain foods slowly and others immediately, but all of them gone forever eventually. I was excited for this and scared by it. I desired the blessings of God.

I craved deeper affections with Heaven and always prayed for directions to such a path.

He alone equipped me, challenged me, and helped me do it. It took time, years. I set goals over about a two year span of time and in the end the victory was mine. Now I manage my decision every day.

For those who can't wrap their head around the connection between spiritual satisfaction and food...It's a form of fasting so to speak. When we fast we sacrifice to draw near to God and answers to prayers. For myself clean eating is a perpetual state of Worship. Positioned in a posture of sacrifice every day. It has produced some Glorious Fruit. Please know I never harbor judgement in my heart for the nutrition choices of others. This is a very personal thing. For me it is very personal. I share because I care to help those who are in the same plain I was in the mid 2000's. Perhaps my testimony can be a key for your Victory coming. ~Nicole

"You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 2:5