Future President


It only takes one person to believe in you to Light your Purpose afire.

When Alex was little she had a t-shirt that said, "future president".

All my little ones inherited this shirt and as time went on I began telling people when they met my babies, that they were a future president. Most people would laugh like I was being funny...while I wouldn't laugh, but would just pause and smile. I was declaring purpose over them.

President of what? A corporation? A club? The country? ....Yes.
I was declaring leadership over them.

Others may not have recognized it, but God did.

I didn't let another's lack of vision prevent mine.

By the time I had number four, Joel, I had people telling me he looked like a president (he was a baby!) true story. All it takes is one who sees all you can be & speak it faithfully.

You are a diamond fit for polish. Shine, and let yourself shine...Brilliantly.


(*My amazing daughter)
