Go The Extra Mile…
I was told a story of a woman who took up running. She was a beginner, had done some running before, but lacked consistency. This time, she wanted to be committed to it so she asked a friend of hers who liked to run to be her running partner. It is true, that any fitness program and goal has greater depth of potential for accomplishment when done in pairs or groups. We all need each other to encourage us, hold us accountable to our dream/goal, and push us toward it! I believe the social connection is also valuable. We are wired for friendship and intimacy of heart.
So- the two women began running together early each morning. Faithful. They were up to anything from 1-2 miles every day. This went on for several months and the woman who initiated the venture was feeling very accomplished and proud, as she should. Dedication and perseverance are always to be applauded and praised. One morning, the woman said to her running partner, “Would you like to go out for breakfast or coffee today after our run?” The second woman replied that she would love to, but she always finished her running after their running date. The first woman was a bit surprised and perplexed and inquired, “Finish?”. Come to find out, not only was her friend someone who liked to run, she ran! I mean, she would go out and run another eight miles every day after she finished running with her friend. She was a seasoned runner.
Someone doesn’t just get up one day, or one week, or one month and become a person who runs 8 to 10 miles every day…they build up to it. They consistently and persistently over time cultivate and implement the discipline of running. The more they stick to the plan, the better their endurance, strength and stamina becomes to press in deeper. Then they press in deeper and yield deeper reward. It is a principle of perseverance.
The first woman was well on her way to becoming a seasoned champion of the pavement! She had the desire, the determination to discipline herself because the reward of the run was of great enough value to her that she was willing to overcome everything that had held her back in the past from doing so. She was on her way!
I see this idea in the fitness industry quite a bit. Maybe you’ve been there? You are trying to get fit for summer or trying to lose weight. You do great for a few weeks, but then you become discouraged because you don’t see the results were hoping to see by now. It takes time. You didn’t get out of shape or overweight in three weeks so you won’t be reversing the process in three weeks either. You have to take it day at a time, victory by victory, lap by lap, calorie by calorie and then you go with that. You get a fitness buddy to champion you along. You find mentors, positive people to speak into your life who have definable success in the area you are determined to excel in. You can do it, absolutely! I know you can do it and there is no morsel of doubt.
The same is true with our faith. We grow as we overcome each testing and trial of our heart. The struggle to the next level of blessing is what prepares us and equips us to govern the blessing well. There is a scripture that says, "From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." (Luke 12:48) God always wants to give us more, but He must ensure we are equipped to handle the blessing with wisdom, grace and responsibility. He tests our hearts to see how much more blessing we can handle.
Trials are never fun. The testing of our faith is never easy. We want it over fast so our comfort can return. Comfort is good. Everyone loves to be comfortable. But growth absolutely NEVER happens when we are comfortable. Discomfort forces us to move beyond our comfort zone and reach for a new height, hoping to delight with some bigger comforts there! What are bigger comforts? It can be anything…simply a greater sense of worth and well being. Now, as you reach for something grander; promotion of any type or fitness/health success, don’t forget…
You’re worth will never come with your achievements, accomplishments, accolades or praise. Your worth is something you have in God and you receive by Grace as a blessing from His heart to yours. He saw your worth before one hour of your life ever lapsed. He was with you when you were formed and He made not one mistake. But we are human and we do make mistakes. Sometimes we try to make the best decisions, choices, but we fail. Sometimes we choose the wrong path, but it is never too late to get on the right path! You can go the extra mile!
Find a “buddy”.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you, champion you, uplift you and add value to your life. Find others who are willing to breath into you and help you accomplish all you dream and desire. Find people who have run that mile before you! There is no microwave Christianity. There is no overnight weight loss “magic”. There is no Mr. or Ms. Olympia body builder champion who started ten months ago. The dymanic Christian with a gleaming faith got there through perseverance, trial and over coming set backs. The weight loss success story came with determination and desire to not give up! The sports champion won because they believed they could win and let not one single obstacle allow them to cave in. the General in the Army started as a Private.
Do you have what it takes? That is a question only you can answer. It takes time. It takes commitment. It takes a stoic determination that only you can provide for yourself. What is the purpose for the pursuit? Everyone wants happiness, but if self fulfillment is the only motivator I am afraid you will fail. Maybe not at accomplishing the goal, but you will fail to feel the worth on that quest you seek. It must always be about something bigger than yourself.
We are one body with many parts. A team. What is your part? Find it and do it, because the rest of us need you. But do not expect over night success. It is a process. Do not get discouraged along the way. Never compare your first mile, your chapter one, to someone else’s marathon distance, their chapter twenty. But you are valuable and needed, that is for sure. ALL are needed, everyone apply, check the details inside your heart for job description. Then go for it!
I am cheering for you as you emerge triumphant!
I want to Champion your faith in God and in yourself!
You can go the distance!
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…” Hebrews 12:1