Light For Your Life
"This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ and are passing on to you: God is light, pure light; there’s not a trace of darkness in him." 1 John 1:5
God is nothing but Life, Light, Joy, Goodness, Grace, Love and all things Hopeful. He can do all things; the imaginable and the unexplainable seemingly impossible. He is the ultimate Possibility Thinker, Way Maker, Bondage Breaker and the Friend like no other friend, loyal to the core.
For three days He became darkness to absorb all of ours. Like a sponge soaking up every wrong ever done. He took it all and he took it in a horrific fashion. He was beat, killed and placed in a tomb. For three days his followers didn't know what to do, how to feel, what to think. They were devastated and all theirs hopes seem decimated...
until Sunday came.
Have you ever had something happen in your life that took the wind out of your lungs? Ever had darkness loom over you? Struggling with hopeless feelings, loss, depression or lack of direction? There is hope for you, take it to the Cross. Christ isn't an old time tradition or fairy tale. He is the Sovereign Hope of the World and He loves you without fail. If you've never felt him, heard him, experienced him it doesn't mean He isn't real. Meeting him is like meeting the love of your life. When it happened your heart exploded. Feelings and thoughts erupted in your mind and heart and you were elated and felt anything was possible because this person seemed to elevate you and inspire you and complete you. Well, this too with God. In fact, human love and companionship is only a minuscule reflection of what is possible with God...you've just not called him yet.
Call on God today. Share your heart. Ask Him to reveal himself to you. He has already taken all of your darkness at the Easter Cross, let him have it once and for all. He's got you. ~Nicole
Beautiful ❤
🙂 Chrystene Sent from my iPhone