My Source
"God has not called me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful." Mother Teresa
You can take great comfort in this quote. I have found it to be foundational in my own faith journey for AT LEAST the past 10 years. God took me on a journey of intense difficulties beyond my ability to control in a variety of difficulty, not just one area. He continually reminded me, with each struggle, that He was my Solution, He was my Source. He used these trials to teach me absolute and resolute dependence on Him to stay true to the path He had me on despite lack of success, despite difficulty. You may think it a bitter pill to swallow, but if my extreme example can teach someone else a basic on how to life by faith and know that it's ok. We do our part, but God alone determines your success. We persevere. We pursue. We practice self discipline and deny ourselves to reach an objective...but this is not the compass of success, it is only an ingredient. HE is our measure of success. I grew in wisdom and tenacity and I wouldn't change any of that for the world.
You do your part and trust God with the rest. If you are struggling it may be a test to see how much you believe in His ability to take care of you. Don't worry...He's got you! ~Nicole
Prayer for you:
"Father, it may look like I need (insert need), but I know what I really need is more of you. Give me more of yourself because I know with that you will see me through. Amen."
"So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Matt. 10:31
Thank you … You are so good
🙂 Chrystene Sent from my iPhone