Power of One
Yesterday I was privileged to speak briefly to a team of girls soccer players about nutrition. These girls were all about 13 years of age. Captivating their attention and interaction wasn't easy. I used questions and analogies to try to get them engaged and it worked to a degree. But for the most part they spent the entire talk not looking at me, but watching all the distractions about the field.
I even brough visual aids and samples of healthier options to try. I spoke of the importance of nutrition in these critical years of bone development. Between the ages of 12-21 peek bone mass is laid and it begins to decline by age 22. So, literally right now they are deciding what their elder year bone strength is going to look. So hard for a 13 year old to care about a future so distant.
By the end, I was a little discouraged, did anything I said sink in?
Later that night, I received a text message from one of the parents. When she gathered her daughter after practice I was the first subject out of her mouth and she spoke all about me on the ride home. If only for one, who knows if there were more, some of my message got in.
There is power in the one. Do not shy away or shun what God in your heart has begun just because right now you don't see anything. God is working. God is using you more than you may know. You are making a difference that just may turn into pure gold in the life of but one. Something beautiful may have begun.
Stay at your course and finish strong.
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The Spirit lay this piece I wrote several years ago on my heart this morning as I reflect with joy on a phone conversation I had with my oldest child last night. For a parent, for me, there is no greater joy than to not only see my children honoring the Lord, but to see them in tune with their spiritual gifts and how to use what God has given them coupled with their physical gifts, talents and abilities. Years ago, almost two decades ago now…the Lord petitioned my heart and asked Something very grand on my life and my willingness to sacrifice for the King of Kings. He called me to a different kind of surrender. I agreed, with much fear and trembling, I knew the magnitude of what would be asked of me, but I craved nothing more than deeper intimacy with my King. For several years after that decision the Spirit would move on my heart in the middle of the night and I’d get up to worship and listen to him. He spent years laying a foundation in me like nothing I’d ever been taught or seen and it was all things amazing. He cleaned out my spiritual house and spoke Love, acceptance and promises to my soul. But there was one thing He’d always repeat and I treasured more than anything else He promised and that was what He would do through my children. As a result of my obedience we have trsvsiled through some very difficult circumstances, but as my kids are near grown I look at who they are and how they think and what they see–both with the natural eye and the eyes of Spirit–I see God’s promise come to pass. I realize some of the hardest things we endured were pivotal in shaping my children into stoic warriors for Christ who rely just as much on the eyes of their spirit as they do their physical eyes. I am so touched, so moved, so proud. Trust God with your children. Think of them with every act of obedience that may bring you challenge, difficulty or sacrifice. It will be worth it when you see the fruit cultivated in their life. Our legacy is our one true mark on humanity. Be blessed today..you and your children both. ~Nicole