Sigh or Sing?

"My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

Are you sighing or singing? If you believe the Bible is the spoken word of God and you believe that Jesus is Lord who came bringing Victory, then you have everything you need to be, do, see, become Amazing. So why do you sigh your whole day through? Why do you lament your discomforts, displeasures, and dissatisfactions? Place your focus where it belongs. It is possible to daily pursue a deeper level of who you are meant to be by earnestly trying! Yeah it's hard! Yeah people will mock you and tell you it can't be done! Yeah people will misunderstand and all the responsibilities of life will present their challenges...BUT....
We serve a God of Glory who wants to see His Beloved Church spread her wings and fly. Soar! Just because it isn't status quo, it's out of your comfort zone, or nobody has ever done it before...that may be all the more reason why God wants you to do it!
It will be amazing.

I have had several people just this week share things they want to try or do but their own reasoning/evaluations or the criticism of others has them wondering. In each case I encouraged them to try. Don't let someone else's lid keep you under. If two or more gather in His name we shall receive what we ask for in prayer. Doesn't the Holy Spirit count? Everyone was against Moses, but God was with him. Joseph was alone in a pit and forgotten in prison, but God was with him. John the Baptist roamed about looking odd to everyone, but the Promise of the Messiah lived in him.

Whatever is in your heart to do, do it. Of course it will be hard, but overcoming the difficult is part of the reward.

After all, a praise party will attract more people than a pity party any day of the week. Stop sighing and start singing!
