Soul Thirst
Your soul has thirst...
Your soul is thirsty and it longs for a drink. What will you feed it? What will you feast upon?
You crave something deeper, something that will satisfy you, but you ponder....
You squander your time and your determination fades.
What will you look for? What will you seek? What will you say?
You can feast your thirst on idleness and waste your life away.
You can feast your thirst on the flesh and come up withered and frail, drinking to your hearts content, only your heart never finds contentment or rest.
You can drink deep of loneliness only to find yourself...lonely.
You can feast yourself on bitterness and find yourself hardened to the core.
There is only one thirst you can feed upon that will leave you wanting for more.
It is the One thing that can quench your thirst, yet ever satisfying and filling to this thirst of your soul.
There is a well of Living Water.
It is deep.
It is fresh.
It has breadth and width and is All Sustaining.
It is crystal clear and Pure.
It draws you near and entices your hunger.
It can satisfy and IT WILL satisfy.
It is the only thirst of the soul that keeps you coming back for more, but contains the ability to makes your heart glad.
It can remove all things that make you sad.
It gives your sight the ability to gaze yonder as you ponder and create amazing wonder of all that is and all that could be and is yet to be.
The Lord Almighty says this thirst is He and He is drawing you near.
Draw near.
Draw close.
The choice is crystal clear, pure and dear to your heart.
He can take your broken heart, your disillusioned soul and repair it, restore it and set it back on a proper coarse.
You will never be left wanting...
You will never be left alone...
You will not be abandon or forsaken...
There is a place for you-UNYIELDED-that will never fade away.
Right in the Center of the Lord hearts, you have a warm, safe and abiding place to stay.
He's got you.
He is with you.
He petitions your heart right now.
Do not deny Him, you always can find Him.
He is with you...He is with you.
You shall never be alone, because He's got you.
You, indeed, are the Apple of His Eye.