Vision Caster
“Where there is no vision, the people perish…” Proverbs 29:18
Everyone needs some sort of vision for their life. Without it, we meander without meaning, joy or fulfillment through life. Without a vision of the heart we become subject to the vision of another. There is a saying that goes (paraphrased), “If you don’t work toward your dreams then someone else will recruit you to work for theirs.”
When we have a vision is must be crystal clear in our own mind’s eye. The more vividly the vision resides in our mind’s eye, our heart and soul, the easier it is to adhere to the path less traveled. The clearer the vision the easier it becomes to cast vision to others. A well-defined vision cast before others will attract those to yourself who have a common belief, common passion, and a common purpose…shared vision. The place of shared vision is a powerful place for there is strength in unified numbers.
Whatever your vision is, you know it is your vision when it burns deep within your heart. You cannot abandon it, even if you wanted to or tried to. It is a part of you, ingrained in your very soul. When it is a part of you and you stand at the threshold, you can cross over into your purpose or you can retreat.
Don’t look back.
Stoke the fire.
Stay the coarse.
Carry the burden, for it is yours to carry and it is a burden from the Lord. He is the Designer of Man’s heart and when He is leading our hearts, we must choose what He would choose. We must do as He would do. The deeper the Call the stronger the burden. Eat it. Sleep it. Dream it. Believe it. Pursue it. Call upon God to be a Voice leading you to it and through it. God is in it! When all of these things line up and are True, God is with you and nothing will be able to stop you.
“Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’” Luke 9:62
What does it mean to have “service in the kingdom of God”? Serving God simply means you honor Him with your life. It means you pursue what He calls you to and you do it as though it were only Him watching you. Maybe an example from my life and how God cast vision to my soul will help…
I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Development with enough coarse work for a minor in both Education and Nutrition. Most schools would term my degree “Developmental Psychology”. I loved human physiology and cognition and I loved nutrition and the role it played in human physiology. Ultimately, I wanted to be a counselor. By the time I graduated I had decided I wanted to become an MFCC (counselor specializing in Marriage, Family and Child Counseling). So, I pursued the Master’s Degree required, along with 3,000 practical experience hours required before receiving a license to practice. I liked this idea, counseling, it felt “right” and though in this season of my life I loved God dearly, I was not walking with Him closely. I didn’t go to church, I barely read my Bible, but praying and talking to Him….I did that a lot. Without going into the entire story, I wound up in the graduate program at UOP. I was dating my husband at the time and one Sunday I visited his church. A woman from a local non-profit called The Pregnancy Help Center came and spoke of the Center, it’s needs for funding and volunteers. She said they desperately needed volunteer counselors. Counselors went through a specific training program before they could volunteer. I could feel my heart beating fiercely in my chest. Conviction of the Holy Spirit was working overtime and I didn’t like it so much. How would I have time to take on something else? I was working and going to school. Both of these things filled my plate. On top of it all, I had been discerning in my heart that MFCC wasn’t God’s plan for me. How could it not be His plan? I had spent all those years studying for a degree and all that money invested into my future by my parents and myself. I couldn’t just drop out I wasn’t one to just quit on anything.
Over time God began to unwind my preconceived ideas of His plan for me. In fact, though my walk with him in college wasn’t all that tight, He was still guiding me and directing the vision of my heart. He had a vision all His own and He was guiding me to it. He knew all about me and where I’d be many years down the road. He is always looking at His Big Picture and orchestrating His Master Plan. I began to realize that God had indeed given me the desire to help people. The ability to connect and build rapport with others that facilitated healthy communication, comfort and healing. Healing is the purpose God was casting in my life. I had a set blue print in my mind because of my education and experience, but with God the options and possibilities for expression of gifts and callings is limitless! I did eventually terminate my MFCC pursuit and I did volunteer at the Center for many years. I did receive ridicule from my academic peers for my decision. They thought I was foolish. But they weren’t me. They were not being awoken with a vision and burden from the Lord for my life in the middle of the night. Looking back, it has all worked out according to God’s Master Plan. I have a business that focuses on health/fitness and nutrition, a clear and defined passion and purpose in my life…get God’s Church healthy and strong so they can fully achieve the vision God has cast in their life.
I have such a heart and vision for ministry. I have always felt all the life of a Believer was ministry. For we are to be a witness not give one always. We lead by example. We lead by love. We cast vision of the Joy, Peace, Liberty and Freedom that can be found in God when we allow His Grace to wrap around us. This is my ultimate heartbeat. This part of me may only be unfolding, but it is real. It is alive. It is Vision, Pure and Sweet and the Master’s Touch is what makes it Complete. I don’t know how this will look as my life continues to unfold. I always felt my avenue of “ministry” was marketplace, not in a seminary school. More and more in this day and age the Church must be taken to the “street” or marketplace, because few have interest in going to church on their own. They have to meet the love of God in a practical and consistent way before they will want to enter in His House and stay. Who knows, I have learned to be open to all that God desires for me. A place called, Yielded.
When God leads us to a place of transition it can disrupt our lives a bit. I have had two distinct times in my life where God completely rocked my boat with His direction and revelation for my life. God knows our hearts and He gives us time to digest and decide, will we obey or will we stay as we are? When He comes…when he knocks…when He brings His direction…we have a choice.
I tried to shy away from it. I tried to abandon it. I tried to deny it. I tried running from it, but I could not elude it nor could I escape it. For wherever I went, it went also. God had embedded something deep inside of me. Even if I tried to sleep to escape it, I began to dream about it. I was on the Holy Sprit Hit List (that’s what I call it when God has a design for you and he spotlights your life in a way that makes you uncomfortable enough to change coarse and follow His lead). I had no choice, but to whole-heartedly surrender to it. As though the Lord were knocking and as He knocked I could hear him speaking to the inner most chambers of my heart…”Are you ‘in’, Nicole? Because if you’re in, you’re going to have to be ALL in, no looking back, no turning back. Absolute, total and complete, obedience.” He gave me the choice, because God is a Gentleman. What if I chose, ‘not all in’? I knew He would still love me. I knew He would still care for me and provide for my needs. But I also knew that there was a piece of me that had tasted the deeper Presence of God that I might not receive again should I settle for less than God’s best Design for my life. I believe the same is true for all Believers, whether they ever recognize this truth or not. Countless lives, every day, are burdened with a passionate dream that is scorched out because of difficulty, peer pressure, obstacles, and adversity. Some withstand for a time, but the cares of life and desire for comfort outweigh desire for more. Blessing, still received on varying levels, but it looks more like bronze or silver than bricks of pure gold loaded sky high and many miles deep. That’s what God’s best compares to for you and for me.
Take time today to reflect. What makes your heart sad? What makes your heart happy? What would make a difference in your life and your satisfaction? What would make a difference in the lives of others from the difference made in your life today? How can you be an instrument of healing, health, hope and change in the life of another? God can guide you to your purpose. God can show you the best path for you to achieve your given purpose in the way that God wants it to be accomplished. Be willing to abandon old mindsets and expectations of how that is going to look and feel. If you are on the wrong path, God will give you guidance and direction just as much as he can put you on a sure path. If you stumble, He won’t let you fall. If you fail, He will grow your wisdom. If you lack courage, He has ample to share. He is a generous God and He is always giving good gifts. When was the last time you asked for one?
Be blessed in His Glory and full of His Hope, this day and every day. The best is yet to come for your life. I’d love to be right there, encouraging you on and telling you, “I knew you would do it, I’m not surprised at all!” You have been made of all the right stuff. Enjoy blessing to the fullest, this day and every day. As you Hope in Him, He has great Hope and Victory for you shining through.
Much Love, In Him,
I pray God surrounds you with love, lifting you up and protecting your heart . That is my prayer in thanks for what He has you do that opens my eyes to what it is He is doing in me 😉 love you Nicole
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