Gold or Silver?

God's Timing

When God has a blessing for you it is important to wait for the full blessing in its full measure.

Waiting is hard. Patience is a golden virtue. Many years ago we sold our home during the peek of the market. We sold it to a couple we knew for far less than what the current market value called for. We did this because we knew for some time, 3 years, it's what God wanted us to do. But we didn't know right away who we would sell to or when. When the occasion arose as God described (the buyer would ask us to buy our home. No sign in the yard or advertising required). Not only did it create a way for this couple to own their first house, but also we knew obedience would bring us a great blessing. We had a real estate agent offer us $50,000 more than we were asking them and he said he'd still sell it to them at a good price. But we declined. We knew it was a lesser blessing disguised as monetary gain.

Wait for your promises and blessings as though you were waiting on a gift paid with interest.

Don't settle for lesser treasure. Silver is good, but only second best. Trust God for a pot of Gold Treasure Chest! Waiting doesn't always mean you're not ready or need refining. Though refine us He does...sometimes it's just about timing and waiting for His. ~Nicole

"He has made everything beautiful in his time." Ecc. 3:1
