Work it!
“Be exceptional... Be creative.
Be driven. Be kind. Be forgiving. Be persistent. Be loving. Be understanding. Be lighthearted. Be giving. Be strong. Be open.
Be the kind of person you want to attract.”
I decided a long time ago to always get younger instead of older.
Though our body may age, our mind, heart & spirit never have to.
I competed in a very large bodybuilding show yesterday in LA. This show attracts competition internationally. I have met a lot of beautiful people the globe over.
I only decided to enter this show three weeks ago. Let me share that you don’t decide to do a show three weeks out. Depending on how much extra weight you carry off season (I usually keep it fairly tight), it can take between 8 and 18 weeks to prep for a show.
Well—God sort of decided for me. I had wanted to compete in a summer time show, something close to home like Sacramento or San Francisco or Napa, many to choose from, but every time the door slammed shut. I took that as a no or wrong show. God guides me through this whole process. He continually speaks to my heart, “I made you to compete.” Over and over, “you’re not done yet”. But it had gotten so late in the season with no show nailed down I had resolved to skip this season, lift heavy, stay moderately lean to consume carbs so I could build mass (it gets harder to build and maintain mass as we begin to age).
Four weeks ago I begin having a reoccurring dream of me competing or people asking me if I was going to and I’d say not this season (which is what was happening in my day to day awake time). But then I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say to me “it’s not too late to compete”. Then I dreamed over and over this conversation and I’d hear God’s voice in my dream say, it will be a shame if you don’t compete. He was really pressing me. My husband—very supportive of my sport, when I told him he had me move right away and take care of every detail needed ahead of time. He then told me he knew I could lean down enough in three weeks. Any compliment or vote of confidence from John is enormous because he is very objective and not afraid to tell the absolute truth. I felt confident myself (almost 100 percent) that I could get lean enough to hang on stage, but was realistic that to be right where I wanted to be to win I’d need more than three weeks. But I jumped in anyway. Because I knew it’s where God wanted me.
I prayed out to God asking, “could I get lean enough in three weeks?”
And He replies, “You will be right where I want you to be.”
I knew whatever that looked like, it was good enough for me. So I took rest in it. I trusted Him.
Fast forward, what’s the point of my story. God is a Master Networker. He is always looking at the big picture of your life. He has the pattern all road mapped as though He were sewing a fine garment of linen and placing the scissors and stitches at the right mark. Or like my figure suits. They have so many hand sewn crystals on them. Beautiful, but the seamstress lays the design out first before she makes her first application. She knows the end result. I didn’t really feel like competing this year. As kids get older the schedule is fuller and it is difficult to do what is necessary to compete. But none of that matters. You could have a “yeah butt” for anything, but when God tells you to get your butt in gear and do something, you rest in trust and abide in the plan and know He may be up to something bigger for the future that is an alignment of relationships or opportunity or an Alliance.
God is very interested in every detail of your life. It does matter, you do matter and every relationship can be hand picked when you yield yourself fully to God. Whether it’s something small in the day to day or something bigger like investing your time, emotion and ability into a figure competition.
On the side—I reconnected with a gal I had competed with a few years ago in a different federation. She is a darling woman from Italy now living in California. You don’t know.
Also met a lovely lady from Panama, and many from all parts of the US and Australia. This particular show is in Australia next year, who knows, maybe I will get to go.
Have a stunning day! Let everything you do, everywhere you go, all that you encounter see you sparkle with love, joy, radiance. Life is HIS stage.
Work it!