Better Together
Give it your ALL—
How can I adequately sing a song of praise to you? How can I properly change my heart to execute your Goodness, Mercy and Love?
There is no one like you...
Not on the earth.
Not under the earth-
Nor can one be found in the sea or within the heavens.
You alone are ALL.
Because you are ALL- you not only inspire me to give you my all, but your devotion to me has power to demonstrate that I have your all as well. I know others love you and you enjoy their love. But there’s something about supernatural zeal that communicates and executes an inspired level of devotion that lets me know “I’m your favorite”.
Because of your devotion to me, as impossible to fathom as can be, I give my all to you, daily.
Does God play favorites?
Yes—I believe He does and He is like a Jealous Lover peering in the dark and making Light the occupants of our heart. He wants to make your heart His Chamber alone.
Choose me, Almighty, for your love is a potent wine.
Your love so powerful it betrays all that tempts to occupy our time and attention...mere distraction.
Angels do exist-
and sometimes they are no more than Heavens gentle kiss on the life and the bliss of the human hearts.
You reach...
You touch...
You create beauty is us...
We never grow old.
We are made new, through and through.
Being next to you is like an eternal dip in the fountain of youth.
You make me feel so young because each day we are brand new—my soul has been branded for you.
You don't recycle us - you actually create new life in us and this is a glorious thing.💕
May the kiss of heaven be with you this and every day...
Creating magical memories and miracles -
Profound miracles along the Way.
Love is the Greeting Card of Heaven. Signed. Sealed. Delivered.
Now be on your way—have a fabulous day and enjoy this Kiss from Heaven. His Presence and Favor with you always.
Friendships, seasoned and marinated with time, have the best flavor! God adored you and favors you and uses me to remind you that you have a delightful inheritance!
"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"
Ecc. 4:9-10