The Lord has had me camped out in the book of Ruth. Years ago I was promised by God (and I suppose requested by him at the same time) to one day write a curriculum study of the Books of Ruth and Esther.
I truly don’t know my life’s ultimate calling and purpose other than I am a healer. I have been through horrible extremes of painful things and I’ve watched God be my Boaz through it all. I know I’ve hardly scratched the surface the deeper I sink in him. The deeper I go into his love, the less I feel I know. Perhaps this is how it ought to be. It is his tree of longevity I crave more and more.
I’ve received an invitation.
I’ve received an invitation from the Almighty to journal and pen for Him. So why do I continually feel surprised when I endure persecution and harsh criticism for my pen? Because, yes, I do.
I’ve received an invitation to worship him by a tithe of my time in devoted meditation on him. He is a jealous lover indeed. I’ve spent the last 9 months giving a minimum of 2 hours of my everyday to prayer, praise and the Word. Ive been fasting one day a week. I’ve been going deeper. To his heart I do cleave and I am eternally loyal. I’ve been through a lot. But this last year I’ve been through some of the hardest darkest times of my life. And guess what. I learned all I really need is God, my Source, my Confidence. He is preparing me to tackle difficult and messy topics the modern Church doesn’t want to touch. I obey not always because I want to, but because I am so incredibly loyal to my Kinsman Redeemer. I’ve found not a soul who can touch my heart and love me like him. Everything will always come down to love. I want to love well.
I’ve studied Ruth for several years now, in seasons, but consistently keep being called to these four little books of the Bible.
When I was a young woman I was in no hurry for a husband. All my friends were sure I’d be the last to marry. I was actually one of the first, all by God’s doing. So I see women who are single or divorced and wanting to mingle say things like they are waiting for their Boaz. It’s cute. It’s funny. I get it. But I see Boaz not in my husband...but in my Husband, My Groom, My Christ.
This is the passage that leaps from the page of my Bible at me today.
“And also pull out some from the bundles for her and leave it for her to glean, and do not rebuke her.” Ruth 2:16
Are you gleaning?
God is like Boaz. Boaz means Kinsman Redeemer. He saved Ruth and graced her name with his. When she lay at his feet on the threshing floor he assured her he knew her virtue, but told her not to tell anyone because he knew the harm that could be done. Women weren’t allowed on the threshing floor at night. It was where the men slept. But Boaz saw her heart. He knew her intent was pure. He was honored that a youthful woman would go to his foot and not the foot of a younger man (which she probably could have had).
Why is this important?
We serve a peculiar God. He doesn’t do things the way we think he should. We don’t have to understand to obey. He likes it that way because he is unconventional and seeks to dispel the wisdom of man and show it for the foolishness it is. All God wants from any of us is an unbridled, fully devoted heart.
Are you gleaning?
God sometimes gives favor to make the journey a bit easier, just as Boaz instructed the men to make Ruth’s job easier. It may not feel easy—but that is where a stellar attitude always comes in. But having a good attitude doesn’t mean you won’t grow weary or tired. Be real with it all. The work of God, following his call in our life, can be difficult and make you feel tired. Rest in him. He requests you to come to him when weary and take his yolk on your neck and learn from his light and gentle ways. So do it! No more heaviness. Just rest.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30
The best for you is still at rest in you. Like a silver bullet the peace of God come shooting through and pierce you right to the deepest levels. God’s got mantles and keys that are never man given, but God given. Perhaps he has taken special notice of you just as Boaz took special notice of Ruth? He is the only Boaz we truly need.