“When You Call—I’ll Be There”
“When you call on me—-I’ll be there...”

It’s like the whole world is on pause right now. America, paused. What a golden opportunity to search our own heart and soul and clean house so to speak. It’s a time to mend, a time to pray, and time to rest, a time to be, a time to heal, and a time to laugh dance and even sing. Because when you know that God has the whole world in His hands you don’t have to worry or be afraid.
Many people are afraid to be alone with their own thoughts and their own heart. Many...many are afraid of intimacy—even the intimate act of getting to know our own true self.
I’ve been told by more than one person over the years, by those who have seen me in every imaginable life scenario, that I am the same always. I am constant. What you see is what you get I guess? I don’t share this to be boastful. I’m not even sure it’s something that is boast worthy? I guess I hadn’t thought about it much. I just “am”. I may not struggle the same way as others, but I have struggles of my own. One of my big epiphanies of 2019 was how I am so good at empathy and seeing the perspective of others I was abandoning my own perspective on some serious issues.
Right now is a time people are leaving off the mask because, well, they are at home and they don’t need it there. They are comfortable in their homes and can be their true self free of judgement or scrutiny. I think right now this is a good thing. It can be a cleansing thing that purges the heart and clears the mind and frees the soul. You’ve perhaps got a song in your heart that you never knew was there before! It has perhaps been buried down deep where no one could see, not even you, because it would require risk, transparency, vulnerability and trust to do so.
I’ve been walking, running, and sprinting since the gyms have closed. I enjoy walking a hiking—always have. Fresh air is invigorating and nature captivating. I have a few different routes I take. But yesterday I kept feeling the lead of the Lord taking me down a new road I don’t usually take. I really didn’t feel like going that way, but I yielded and trusted and went.
We don’t always know why God guides us down certain roads, but we can know if we trust and go we will be better for it and He will keep us safe.
As I walked I began seeing little notes of encouragement chalked on the sidewalk. Every so many feet, some new words of affirmation were there waiting for me to greet. As I turned the last corner and wound back to my normal path I came across a mother with her two small children—the authors of my words of affirmation. I told the children I loved their art work and then I looked at the woman and told her what she was doing was wonderful and to keep it up! I’m pretty sure they were the reason I had to walk that road that day. I was blessed by their side walk art and maybe I encouraged that mom to keep doing something that maybe was outside her comfort zone? Or maybe she had not spoken to another adult in days? I don’t know the answer, but I don’t need to.
When we encourage one another it’s like the bird in nature. He comes upon our senses suddenly and sings his melody that is so unique to him. But he shares his voice and the listener is lifted, lightened and given a gift that helps carry him or her in their day. Simple, sweet and small, but profound in its reach to resonate and touch the human spirit. I can’t imagine never-ever hearing a bird sing again. I know when I was in graduate school and living in the San Fernando Valley hearing a bird sing was such a rare thing I really noticed the gift when I got it.
This time is not wasted. Cherish it. We don’t know what the future holds and maybe you need this season of true rest before we embark upon fresh roads?
Take some deep breathes today. Deep and slow. Take your time and allow yourself to truly unwind.One thing is for sure—Heaven has got you perpetually on its mind and the choir of Heaven makes a joyful and resounding noise all about you...celebrating the little things you do that make a melody and harmony for humanity. Because your life matters.
—When it’s your time to sing, you will be ready.
20 “Now may the God of peace—
who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus,
the great Shepherd of the sheep,
and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood—
21 may he equip you with all you need
for doing his will.
May he produce in you,[a] through the power of Jesus Christ,
every good thing that is pleasing to him.
All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.“ Hebrews 13:20-21