Interrupted Life

I’m a trainer. Trainers love fitness. Trainers love weights, and movement, and all things physical fitness. I love my gym. I am what they would call a bit of a gym rat. The gym has been home for nearly as long as I can remember. I have been attracted to physical fitness, healthy eating and muscle since my very early adolescence.

I have goals. I have routine, just like everyone else pursuing fitness. Just like everyone else, this whole COVID-19 thing interrupted those goals. It interrupted my routine— Interrupted life.

If there is anything God has taught me or trained me in, its how to flow with interruption. The last thing to do is give up!

So as far as my fitness routine goes, it looks different right now and maybe that is not a bad thing? The weather has been gorgeous so I’m outdoors a lot (which always makes me happy). But I’m doing different workout routines. I’m focusing more on overall maintenance and fitness. I’m using weights I have at home, but I’m also using a lot of functional movement tools. I’m using body weight exercises. I’m running more. Guess what...I’m kind of sore! As a trainer, I know the change up is good and will also help me reach some fitness goals!

In working with clients on fitness and nutrition I see patterns over the years. People may start strong and be full of zeal and ambition. They see some results which only validates their efforts and keeps them going. But then something will happen. Some sort of interruption in their routine. The interruption may be work, their schedule of their children, etc. Whatever it is—“the circle of life” steals their thunder and all that consistency and results gained goes under. They don’t get back their mojo. Why? Because they didn’t have a solid enough foundation. It’s like a tree that grows, yet has shallow roots. The storms pull it up from the soil. But those fit minded people who persist despite the resistance have deep roots that hold them steady toward their goals and they maintain the fit lifestyle.

“She is energetic and strong,
a hard worker.“ Proverbs 31:17

How can we apply workout consistency and routine to our faith? Has Coronavirus interrupted your faith mojo? Are you finding it difficult to trust God in a way you’re not used to having to trust Him? Don’t let this sidebar become center focus of your spiritual fitness litmus. Don’t fail the fitness test!

The truly fit minded persist without exception. Let the same be said for our trust and faith and obedience to God!

He... Has...Got this!
And He’s got you, too!
Flex yourself happy today and hold your soul strong! You can handle the weight because God’s been your spotter all along!

If no one else tells you today...
You are beautiful.
You are radiant.
Your smile is inviting and contagious. So go ahead and laugh. Allow the twinkle in your eye to magnify and stoke the heart and hopes of all you cherish. ~Nicole

2020 will still be a stellar year!
Get excited!

“She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.
26When she speaks, her words are wise,
and she gives instructions with kindness.
27She carefully watches everything in her household
and suffers nothing from laziness.”
Proverbs 31:25-27