Angels Awaken On Your Behalf

God sends angels to help you.

When I write; either a blog, a post, or a text (or a book, I just finished it!)...I write the same way I hear the Father speak to me. He is bold. He is edifying. He is gentle. He is sweet.
Yesterday morning during my devotion time I clearly heard the Spirit of God whisper to me, “I am radically devoted to you, Nicole.”
God deeply favors. Here’s a story to exemplify like an analogy the similarity between favor of man and favor of God. When I was a kid I wanted an Izod shirt and some 501 jeans. They were all the rage and I liked them, but my Mom wasn’t going to buy them for me because they were expensive. She was sharing all of this with her aunt and uncle, My great aunt and great uncle, as we were visiting them one afternoon. Shortly after, while still at their home, my great uncle, came a tucked a one hundred dollar bill in my back pocket. I loved my uncle. He was so kind to me. His name was Uncle Knight, but he was more like sunshine to me. Looking back now I realize he favored me. He hadn’t any children of his own and I remember him as one with a very kind soul. He was always spoiling me. He was like an angel sent by God to me.

God has ample blessings He’d like to tuck in your pocket for you. He wants to clothe you in an expensive fabric of His protection, love and sacrifice. He paid an enormous price just to provide for you.  He favors you, kind of like how my uncle favored me.
I cracked open my journal this morning and saw those words scratched in ink on the page...
“I am radically devoted to you, Nicole.”
It made me think...he really is. I’ve got the stories to prove it. But he’s radically devoted to you, too! He sent his son to confront Beelzebub- that great forked tongue liar.
The Enemy of your soul will use your own mind against you. Just like His forked tongue, he splits his message. He whispers an enticement and then when you do it he condemns you with shame. Shame and guilt are never of God. God will convict, but he will love you to it.
Jesus went all the way to hell to protest on your behalf and make declaration that you are worth saving.
Embrace His change.
Winds of change are blowing.
Father God is knowing how adored you are. 
He sends angels to help you! 

“For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.“ Psalm 91:11