Paid With Interest
Compounded Interest
There is no doubt in my mind that today many things you will read, see, hear are going to carry the theme of gratitude and Thanksgiving...as it should. Of course we become sentimental and Intentional at this time of year, but at the moment I am recalling a season of my life where I learned about gratitude and how to die to self and pride of life which thrusted me into deeper levels of gratitude.
John and I had been married maybe five years tops. Just getting married alone, as a side note, will open our eyes to how selfish in nature our natural self is...at least I did. It was the first time I was responsible for caring for more than just myself.
Anyway, we were transitioning and I went from working two jobs to quitting all of them to be at home. I didn't make tons of money, but one of my jobs paid very well and my contribution definitely added cushion and fun to the family curriculum. We'd always been good money managers so we made appropriate adjustments and did ok. But God began to ask us to give and sacrifice to the point that it caused our own lack. I had never felt financial pinch like this before and it was uncomfortable--just like how your belt is going to feel today--tight! I began to question God and wonder if I was hearing Him wrong?
If I'm giving like He's asking and sacrificing for others why was I still feeling it?
After a bit of time allowing me to chew and ponder, the Heavenly Father responded to my ponder and this is what He said. First, He spoke knowledge to my soul and told me something to the effect of "watch and see how I use other people to help meet your need." This is what He did. So then I began to wonder why in the world would He ask me to give just so someone else would have to help me when I had the means in the first place to care for myself? Second, He dropped a rocket in my heart that shattered my previous mold and He began to reconstruct a heart of gratitude to a deeper level...He said,
"It's not about you..." I replied, "What's not about me, Lord (because I was still struggling to 'get it'".) "Any of it..." nothing was about me.
Life is not about us, it's about Him. By asking me to sacrifice to help others causing my own need, He was able to intercede and lead someone else to help me creating blessing for everyone involved. He multiplied faith, trust, community and blessing. If I cared only for my own need then I'd have been the only one blessed. But by doing what He did I received the blessing of giving and receiving as did others. He multiplied and compounded the interest. I also learned more than ever how God is the Great Economizer and my life truly isn't my own and for this lesson I was ever grateful.
If you are struggling in your heart, there are unanswered prayers or deep concerns and cares in your life right now...don't lose faith. Hold your Hope...God will throw you His rope and He will make you aware how much He cares.
Your life may not be your own, but He paid a hefty price for it and He always protects His investments. And what a Beautiful and Lucrative Investment you are.
"Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Col. 3:12
Happy Thanksgiving!
Let our gratitude fade not with the last bite of pie—
But linger in the air like the smell of the food in the oven!
Blessings for a fabulous holiday!
God came to earth because He is all about YOU!♥️