Live Your Dream
I dream (literal dreams)—
that become reality, for as long as I can remember...
I dream things, sometimes more than once, or I dream the same theme in a different dream sharing the same message. I have these dreams mostly in a series so the essence is fully communicated to me. Then I wait and watch. Over the span of my life I’ve seen my dreams happen the next day and other dreams I’ve had to journal on the page so I can reflect when I see it come to be. Often times it is the contents of a dream that inspire what I am to write. In fact, I see so many things I often forget some of the things I’ve received until I read it in my journal while in reflection. It’s a beautiful gift that has taken time and mentoring to mature with, and for it I am thankful. These dreams serve as a sort of compass for my direction and intentions like a faithful guide. The more in harmony my balance has become, finding stasis in areas such as my mind, my body, my nutrition and my spirit not forgetting my emotions...the clearer and more profound in detail these dreams and visions have become.
I wrote something a while back that goes, “you don’t dream a dream, you live it.”. For me this has become quite literal. Please don’t misunderstand me, not all dreams are a prophesy or knowledge of the future, but there is a difference and this has merit also...
“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’
Mark 12:30
All of life contains a gift locked inside each of us.
You are a gift.
How you use what gifts, talents, abilities you have is like witnessing a flower open and bloom in full view giving aroma and beauty to all. Think of a child opening a gift and the zeal and joy they do so with. Think of the package they tear into—just as beautiful in Splendor as the contents.
You must think of your life like this...
Because the rest of us are waiting with anticipation the blessing your life gives...and so on, and so on. It’s truly beautiful how hope can tangle us together with others and create something magical and magnificent. My gifts toward you and your gifts toward me and everybody working together collaboratively creating a better place for us all to be.
The Giver makes Way for the gifts. The gifts make way for the gifted. Hope prevails after all.
Take hold of your gifts today.
Dwell on, in this moment, the fact that you are special and placed here for a special reason in a certain season to do and be something extraordinary. I like that. You grab hold and like it too! Nothing can stop you, except your own unbelief.
Allow all the creativity inside of you to flow freely to the world around you in a meaningful way that will leave others feeling inspired by you. Your worth is not in your education, family tree, pedigree, social standing or position of man. Your immeasurable worth is founded in the Great I Am.
"Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet believe."
John 20:29