Andrew’s Rules


This evening  (last night by the time I post this) I was doing a little reading and writing, my favorite, and my youngest son was playing and talking to our cat. These are the words of advice he was giving and my heart grew instantly smitten. I can write and write and write all day. I encourage and love, but nothing will be more important to me than if I was able to be the example to my own kids so they can do as I did. That’s the power of love! Because we all know they do as we do, not as we say.

Andrews advice for today:

1) don’t be hyper

2) love Jesus 😂😂😂

Then he says: “rule number two:

don’t attack your enemies, love your enemies.” 😢

When God says, “I want to use your Voice” you don’t always know how or where or when. Not everyone wants more of God or to live like He did. But when you do what He asks of you in all heart and full faithfulness, the credit may never be yours, but the fruit will be. Thank you, Lord, for blessing the souls, hearts and minds of my children. They utterly amaze me daily. My best treasure of all, Legacy. May my seed go equipped with the Arsenal of Heaven. In this day and age the only Power that will have collateral will be HIS. This is the best fruit of all!

Maybe Im being heard after all.

"How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you." Isaiah 30:19

God knew exactly what I needed today. He used the voice of my smallest babe, His purest voice, to communicate to me that I am having an effect and making a difference. God knew I was struggling with this a bit. But my sons little voice spoke loud and clear. If nobody else, my children can hear. And God is soaking up that love in their little hearts—my forever gifts from above.

God has a secret weapon. It is fiercer than any tactile missile launched through the sky. It is sharper than the blade of any sharpened Steele. Yet it has supernatural power to restore and heal everything it touches to its original condition. It is full of honesty and integrity, mercy, compassion and when used properly can heal the world.

What is this thing? It is a mystical potion or healing lotion? It is both timeless and anti-aging. It will shrink your every ache and pain and will swell your heart and soul with glee. So what could it be?

The Power to Love unconditionally.

God loves you friends and because He loves you, I love you.~Nicole💕