You Are A Gift
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
James 1:17
“Lord, Let my words be Christ’s potent drug that reaches into and emerses every narrow crevice of man’s heart. That we might all be intoxicated for HIM and in HIm…
The ONE, holy amd true. Amen.”
There really aren’t any words to describe my heart for God and the depth of my friendship with him. However, I have agreed with the Almighty to try to convey everything I feel, everything I hear, everything I know through the one vehicle I have...my pen. My pen has been and will always be directly connected to my heart and my heart directly connected to Heaven. It has been a quite fabulous conduit of hope and blessing. For years I kept this little gift all to myself and I loved it. With the convincing of the Holy Spirit, I came to realize He wanted to use my Voice, my pen, to scribe into the hearts of men.
I know with God’s guidance and help I can effectively love an entirely wounded and limping Bride. I aim to love hard with long-suffering that those who ache, those who mourn, those who fail to find relief for their every emotional, spiritual and physical discomfort would give glory to God for I came bearing relief. God and I both know I keep no glory for myself. It has always and always will be HIM.
He is a God full of good gifts.
He delights to watch your life unfold, just like a Father who watches His child unwrap their gift.
You are a gift. Allow your heart to become wrapped up in Him.
He loves you.
“The world does not need more Christian literature. What the world needs is more Christians writing good literature.” C.S. Lewis