Long Deep Breath
This is the air I breathe...
These are the words that sing to my internal mind and sweep through my soul as I open my eyelids this morning.
This is the air I breathe..
The breath of Heaven is a glorious thing. If I could somehow communicate how intoxicating it is to breathe Him in deeply.
People all over looking for something. But what? Most probably don’t even know what it is they are searching for. I suppose they feel they will know when they find it?
It’s a bit like falling in love. Well, I guess it’s exactly like falling in love because He is the greatest Lover of our soul. He loves the rest of you as well! Falling in love abandons common sense. It sweeps in like a rush. The heart swells and the breath is caught. If the love is pure and true respiration is complete within it. This is how it can be with your Spirit—God to man. So let me continually try to convey to you what His breath can do in you and for you. And then, of course, through you.
I recently went to a continued education conference for fitness trainers of every field (CPT, Yoga, Pilates, Coaches, Power Lifters, etc.) There were three speakers who also had a hands on component to their talks. What was the theme of the day? Breathing. So many positive mechanical differences can be made in the human body simply by breathing properly.
Here are just a few benefits of taking a deep breath:
💨Taking 6-10 long deep breaths will aid in stress or anxiety reduction.
💨Deep breathing can make a difference in core (abs) strength and stability.
💨Deep breathing can increase muscle mobility and range of motion flexibility.
Because breathing is an involuntary muscle contraction (we don’t have to think about it to do it), we often times don’t think about our breathing. The exact same it true with God. We can easily get caught up in life and simply forget to take a few moment to breathe him in.
Take a few moments now.
Clear your mind.
Drink deep of the moment.
Take a deep breath.
Invite him in.
Engage him with your company.
Entice him to your heart.
This is the air I breathe...
Your Spirit is moving.
The air is swirling, turning our hearts to you.
Your Holy Wind blowing.
Soon our hearts will knowing how captivating friendship with you can be. Breathe...
Inhale some love today💕
You are greater still.
“Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath to enter you, and you shall live.”
(Isaiah 37:5)