False Hopes
Your day will go exactly how you want it to...
“Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.”
Psalm 25:5
We make our plans, but our day is ultimately in God’s hands. It’s how we respond to His plans that make the difference.
Where have you place it?
Have you ever misplaced something? Have you ever misplaced something and discovered it was missing days or weeks later? This might happen with something you don’t use everyday or when you use it it’s only for a short period of time. I recently did this. I had a new purchase—something that would only be used in specific situations for added convenience. I wasn’t used to having this item so when I misplaced it I didn’t realize it was missing for several days. When did I discover it was missing? The next time I needed it.
“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called.”
Ephesians 4:4
I think this is how it is with hope. Hope becomes misplaced by many. Not because they aren’t hoping...they are! People hope everyday. Everyone has hopes for a good day. Everyone hopes for increase in life. There might be hope for a job advancement or promotion. Hope for prosperity or wealth. Hopes for that dream house. Hopes for a future that is bright, good health, skinny body, a great hair day, a spouse, a child—and the list could potentially exceed eternity. We have vein hopes and some hopes are very serious in nature.
These hopes are not bad. Not bad at all. God delights in them. He delights to provide them. However, we spend so much of our hope on these types of things they become false hopes. Because they distract us from the main thing. Hope in God.
The main thing is a hope so strong it drives every other hope to subside as our adoration of the One comes alive and rises.
“Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the Lord.”
Psalm 31:24
If the Lord is the Source of all things—why are we not hoping for more of Him? All else is an extension of His Great and Mighty Love. With a love like that you can face any situation Strong because you know you are loved and cared for. Do not be distracted by the need. Instead plant your heart like a seed in the Father’s lap. Do not hope for the answered prayers, hope for the One who has the power to answer it.
Your day will go exactly how you want it to go...
I have yet to locate the item misplaced I mentioned, and if I never find it I just get another. But there’s one Hope you should discover that never fades away. He came to save, to care, to provide. He is your very need. And when you look for Him. He will be found.
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
Hebrews 11:1
No more false hopes—
Go to the Source,
Then sit down and just Breathe.