Power of Your Path

"Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives--especially the ability to prophesy." 1 Cor. 14:1
     I’ve been writing the last few days on the theme of prophesy and what it means to decision make and act on future not circumstances. Walking out God’s prophetic anointing on your life will require some grit and maybe just maybe more than just a little bit of it. But is it truly risky to trust God and follow His lead?
     A number of years ago I had a woman tell me I had a lot of faith. But that’s not where her sentence ended. She proceeded  to add a “but”...”But I don’t want that kind of faith because then I’d have to act on it.”

     I guess this is the Beauty of God. We can have as much or as little of Him as we desire. He is a Gentleman. But His purposes prevail. When He has a call or plan He will shape and shift your circumstances to cause you to yield. I personally think it takes more faith to NOT trust God and follows his lead. That is the greater risk because you May be acting outside His blessing without even knowing it. No thank you. Though following God may lead down paths you would have never treaded on your own—you eventually discover those paths are carved in gold and you find a joy inside has grown you’ve never before known. When God ties your heart to something nothing can break it and you can’t shake it.

     Does it all sound a bit odd to you? Really?
     Just look at the life of Noah. His story is found in the Bible Book of Genesis.
God spoke it.
He believed it.
It conceived something great in his heart and soul.
He began to do what was required to make the dream a reality.
I imagine he was asked thousands of times what he was doing.
What did he say?
Every time he spoke of it he was casting vision for the people.
No one saw his vision or received it...until the rain came.
     There are countless examples of modern day people who lived a life full of success that was birthed out of deep duress. They believed in the dream and pursued it with their everything. They told others what they saw for their future, they prophesied giving life to the vision, where they were going...they knew with all their heart it was a future worth knowing.
     Your future is inside of you. It is up to you to hone your focus. Be decided. Get Intentional. Purpose your choices. Take action steps...and have a nearly blind ambition to achieve what you were placed on this planet to do. YOU are a Planet Shaker and the Kingdom of Heaven just may be counting on you. You've got tremendous Legacy within you.
                   You are Prophetic!
"By faith Noah, having been divinely instructed concerning the things not yet seen, having been moved with fear, prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that is according to faith."
Hebrews 11:7