
God bless the men who stained the ground red; who layed down their lives, who paid the price through the sacrifice of their fortune, their cattle, their bread. They left their wives as widows and children as well...they did it for me, so I could be free.

I’m so glad our Founding Men didn’t shrink back with worry or fear. I’m sure they had ample emotions of both. How will this turn out? Will our life end? Will America prevail or will British ships sail home with a banner of praise?

God’s Banner over them was Love.

I’m sure it didn’t feel like love at the time. But they carried on, they tarried on and they prevailed and the flag of this country sailed high above Fort McHenry—It did not fail.

I am grateful for every painstaking decision that was made—-for me.
They did it for me.
They gave me freedom.

Do you have things in your life you worry about? Does your heart grow heavy today? Does your soul feel lonely longing for more? Soul loneliness is different than any other kind of lonely. It’s a heart cry for something deeper. Something of substance. Something significant above anything important. If this describes you, then you are not alone.

God has sent me and my pen to wrap around your soul like a Kimono of Hope. Heaven has a tropical paradise waiting for you.

The Banner over you is Love.

You’re not done yet. God has more. He paid it all, nailed to a Tree of Suffering, so you could be Free.


“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Phil. 1:3