Back Forty For Glory
Noah was on the back forty talking to God...
What is the back forty?
back forty noun
Definition of back forty
: a remote and uncultivated or undeveloped piece of land of indefinite size (as on a farm)
Because of the nature of Noah’s Intimacy with Heaven he was immune to the commentary of his peers. It may be true he didn’t like it, but it didn’t waiver or move him to unmove what God had asked him to move. So he moved...the comfort zone of every human on the planet. Figuratively and then literally! And all of Heaven and earth moved with him.
What if...
What if Noah only obeyed God once he understood the request?
What if Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego decided to bow before the idol to spare themselves, but vowed to not do so in their heart?
What if Elijah stayed in a cave instead of going to Jezebel?
What if Mary said no to the Angel of the Lord? What if Jesus got down off of His Cross and said, "that's all for me. This is too hard and it doesn't make sense."
What if...
God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is a God who delights in Displaying His power and Creative Miracles. The Who's Who of Heaven looks down on you and wants to display His power in and through your life. He still has power to roll a stone, break every mold and He still asks us to live by Faith. If we can figure all of His Precepts out and calculate His ways...well, He wouldn't really be a God worth Worshipping.
Trust Him with your life even when His lead is full of Mystery. His Timing, His Path and your Victory will always Shine through and He will get the glory.
You can trust Him!
So get out your plow, get to that secret place of harmony with heaven—you’re own personal back forty. Block out the noise, dig deep and do like Noah did.
He won’t give you a task you aren’t capable to grab and make into a masterpiece for His Glory. You’ve got just the right size hands for the job. So build it...they will come, just like Noah.
~Nicole 🌈
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9
You've been graced to run this race--the Victory is yours to take! With it come spoils and a prize! Rise!!!♥️🌹