Hammer Out The Details
"I’m hammering out the details.”
This is the word that resignates in my Spirit this morning as I am praying about some deeply personal matters. As I was penning the words I heard,
"I’m hammering out the details.”
I began to think about it.
God is hammering out the details of your life today.
You may not understand or know much about what is happening in the world around you or in your own life, but God does, and that you can trust. He’s going to work it out.
Hammering out the details is just what Abba Father did when He sent His Son to earth. Hammering out the details is just what Jesus was willing to do on the Cross. The details were literally hammered out through him.
Thomas was the greatest doubter of Jesus’ Tribe. But Jesus didn’t scorn him. He allowed him. He produced the nail scared hands and let Thomas touch them and as he did his faith was elevated and elated. The Lord hadn’t left them or forsaken them after all.
People everywhere are going through “stuff”. Maybe you’ve interacted with others and don't particularly understand why they are how they are? But that’s not the point. The point is God might be using your love and kindness to produce some nail scared hands. How they are most likely has nothing to do with you. Perhaps others are feeling a little forsaken by Heaven just like the disciples did? Or what about the person you quickly walked by without noticing the pain in their eyes because well, your hands were full of all life has given you?
Or maybe I’m describing you? I know there have been times this has exactly described me. Do you feel forsaken, abandoned or without answers? Do you feel life is passing you by?
God is helping me to feel His Empathy for humanity in ever growing measure.
As a Christian, no matter what I may personally be going through, I’ve alway tried to lead by example with my fingers firmly gripped on Phil. 4:8. We all fall short and miss it, absolutely! But through our perseverance God is hammering out the details.
Having trouble at work?
Hold onto God He is hammering out the details.
Received a negative health report?
Hold onto the Great Physician, He is hammering out the details.
Kid out of control or family in disarray?
Be still and be held by Heaven, God is hammering out the details.
And with every blow feel the scars being produced in you, but don’t allow the scars of life to define you. God is hammering out the details so that you may be able to produce some nail scared hands and serve as another’s reminder that they are not forsaken. Heaven will hammer out their details too.
Live Beyond the Scar.
If today you turn aside In your luxury and pride. Wrapped within yourself, and blind to the sorrows of your kind, You a faithless watch do keep, You are one of those who sleep. Anna C Lynch Botta
"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'" Matthew 25:45
Lord, help us each to remember you have not forgotten us. You are faithfully working behind the scenes sculpting and weaving and yes, even hammering. Lead us to treat our neighbor as ourself and grow in our capacity to show genuine concern, love and empathy for whoever you place in our path. With a love like that, we can't go wrong! Amen.
I pray a blessing over you today. Go forth touched by His Love. He has not failed to notice you.